Nestled in the tranquil town of Onomichi, Japan, lies a culinary delight known as Dango Masayoshi Ramen. This iconic eatery has become a staple for locals and tourists alike, offering a unique and flavorful ramen experience. The restaurant's specialty dish is the authentic Onomichi Dango Ramen, a he
Onomichi Dango Masayoshi Ramen is a adventure into the heart of Japanese culture. Each bowl is a skillfully made creation that sends you to another time.
The broth, a rich and flavorful blend of pork and chicken bones, is cooked for hours to achieve its smooth texture. The noodles are firm, made wi
Serve the dango around the side of your ramen bowl, enabling diners to take pleasure in the contrast of flavors and textures concerning the savory ramen and sweet dango.
I went to Onomichi anticipating ramen to become the biggest emphasize of my vacation, but in the shock twist the Onomichi puddin